Friday, 20 June 2008

Told off

Oh, dear I got well and truly told of by my son. But I did say he had taken us out and he was kind and considerate! Ah well you can't win 'em all!
I've just had to take my zip out of my wedding trousers, because the waist band wasn't as high as I thought. I hate zips and it had gone in so well.
Anyway task done and it wasn't so bad!
Another fitting (final) I hope of the wedding dress tomorrow.
Then I start on her partners dress with alterations.
Must just say, my younger son made tea for us last night (salad and chicken) then went down the road to fetch some bread and made sandwiches for lunch today.
See, miracles do happen!!!!!!!

Friday, 13 June 2008

Thank you cards

I do love my family and they love me I'm sure. Wait for it, there is a But! My eldest son, he is so kind and thoughtful in many ways, He took us out for a lovely pub lunch the other day on the way to a discount warehouse. Nothing wrong there I can hear you say. The last but one evening he finishes his placement in his finals as a student nurse, he wants, yes, yes, you are so excited, "Can I have two thank you cards please mom?" "Yes ofcourse, I'll do two for you"
So I do, around about 9.30 p.m.
I get a lovely big Thank you from him, and that's it!
You might think I'm mean, but he has sold around 60 cards for me, and not a penny have I seen!
Bet that sounds familiar to all you card makers out there!!
Any way, gripe over. The lace over my partly made trousers

It's a lovely evening, I'm just having a break from sewing the lace on The Wedding Dress. It's beautiful lace but a real pain to sew onto the netting which covers the dress.
Oh dear! Marlene has decided to play about again! She so wants to be a bride, poor thing. With looks like hers, I really dont think there's much of a chance!!

Well that's coffee time over. Must get back, maybe just one game of solitaire!

Friday, 6 June 2008

Zippadi do da.......

Just a quick catch up, not much to report. It's just long winded things to do!!
Today we had to take youngest after today's GCSE exam to get a birthday present for tomorrow. No panic there then!
I went into our little market and lo and behold, I got a zip for my wedding outfit, having forgotten the swatch of material, and guess what, it's near perfect!
We stopped in Llangollen for a delicious ice-cream, oh boy, they are delicious there.
On the way home it started raining but we just got back in time to rescue the washing!
Got to get The Wedding Dress zip finish. Then I can start my zip.

Thought you might like this photo of my water Irises, the are in a big blue pot and look lovely. Shame they don't last long.

Tuesday, 3 June 2008


What a day!
You hear of card fraud but never think it will happen to you! Well it has happened to me!
Hubby was checking to see if a cheque had cleared and it had, but it had also been taken out in small amounts adding up to virtually the whole amount we have at the time. We basically have £50 in hubby's pocket!
Not bad enough? Oh no.I received a letter asking me
to confirm details of an order as it was such a large amount, thank goodness they had checked (mind you it wouldn't have gone through). It is now with the police complete with case no.
It has ruined our day (week, month, maybe year!). S
ounds dramatic but we are already at an all time low!

And then, we finished our evening with this! I even missed the end of a programme we had been watching to take these photos!

The sky looks as though its on fire. It didn't last long but it was glorious enough to raise my spirits for today. There are beautiful things in this world for free, why to people have to be so.... I can't say what I want to, I'm sure you know what I mean! I know there are mor
e good than bad but it doesn't help me much at the moment.

But t
hen I look at these pictures and my heart does lift.
No crafting at all today. I was going to put the zip in The Wedding Dress, but thought better of it in case I stuffed up.

Well, as Scarlett O'Hara said "Tomorrow... is another day!"
Hope she's right!!!!

Sunday, 1 June 2008

pictures from Isle of Lewis

My sister rang today to make arrangements for coming to The Wedding in August.
She also told me that she had framed a cross stitch she has done of delphiniums which, I think you will agree are gorgeous.
She also sent the most beautiful pictures of this evenings sunset from her home on the Isle of Lewis. I was lucky enough to visit her sometime back when we had the most fabulous weather to see the most fabulous sites I think I have ever seen!
If you don't know where Lewis is, it's of the coast of North West Scotland, above Skye, if you look at a map. Not a very good geographical description but I'm sure you'll find it. It's usually marked on T.V. weather maps with Stornaway!
The one thing is you have to agree they are amazing Photos, thanks Annie. Love you.
We aren't usually sentimental (not really) but it's getting late and I want to go to bed!!!!