Friday, 20 June 2008

Told off

Oh, dear I got well and truly told of by my son. But I did say he had taken us out and he was kind and considerate! Ah well you can't win 'em all!
I've just had to take my zip out of my wedding trousers, because the waist band wasn't as high as I thought. I hate zips and it had gone in so well.
Anyway task done and it wasn't so bad!
Another fitting (final) I hope of the wedding dress tomorrow.
Then I start on her partners dress with alterations.
Must just say, my younger son made tea for us last night (salad and chicken) then went down the road to fetch some bread and made sandwiches for lunch today.
See, miracles do happen!!!!!!!


Nayera said...

Keep at it ! I keep checking to see if there's a post to help me get through the day. Get those GoApe photo's on her and tell everyone how naughty, I'll go to bed she says then jumps into a taxi for a night out dancing round her handbag.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I could not find an email for you, but I wanted to thank you for commenting on Chickenblog, so I will do so here. Thank you! I hope you are continuing to see miracles!