Tuesday, 3 June 2008


What a day!
You hear of card fraud but never think it will happen to you! Well it has happened to me!
Hubby was checking to see if a cheque had cleared and it had, but it had also been taken out in small amounts adding up to virtually the whole amount we have at the time. We basically have £50 in hubby's pocket!
Not bad enough? Oh no.I received a letter asking me
to confirm details of an order as it was such a large amount, thank goodness they had checked (mind you it wouldn't have gone through). It is now with the police complete with case no.
It has ruined our day (week, month, maybe year!). S
ounds dramatic but we are already at an all time low!

And then, we finished our evening with this! I even missed the end of a programme we had been watching to take these photos!

The sky looks as though its on fire. It didn't last long but it was glorious enough to raise my spirits for today. There are beautiful things in this world for free, why to people have to be so.... I can't say what I want to, I'm sure you know what I mean! I know there are mor
e good than bad but it doesn't help me much at the moment.

But t
hen I look at these pictures and my heart does lift.
No crafting at all today. I was going to put the zip in The Wedding Dress, but thought better of it in case I stuffed up.

Well, as Scarlett O'Hara said "Tomorrow... is another day!"
Hope she's right!!!!

1 comment:

Nayera said...

What beautiful photo's, something like that would definetly lift my spirits too. Listening to the bird song this morning made me consider the advantages of living as a hippy and giving up my job, sadly the money aspect won.