Monday, 28 April 2008

Another Monday

Well, finally I have caught up with the house work, Well sort of. Well nearly, which is good for me!
I've had a sore throat and a cough, aah, poor me! But you know how us women, sorry if there's a man reading this, just have to keep going martyrs that we are!
I've cut another bag out but haven't started sewing yet, but my second monkey is coming along well. Mind you, I haven't got to the difficult part yet.
Today I've eaten 4 biscuits (chocolate) had a custard vanilla slice and a sandwich of cheese with new baked bread and wonder why I'm the size of a mega whale!
I have actually attempted to de-clutter my mother's sideboard. I've managed to throw out ONE carrier bag full of rubbish. I'll probably find out in 10 years time that it was worth a fortune. I also sorted some stuff for car booting and put it back in the sideboard so I'll know where it is. Ha ha ha ha ha!
I'll just forget the short term memory loss, what was that, I forgot.

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