Friday 2 May 2008


I always think May is lovely month! the sun is shining and things are starting to turn green and bluebells are appearing. I have some in my garden.
Joy of joys, at last I've sold my first bag on EBay,it's the one in the picture, like a peacocks eye. Hurrah. Perhaps they'll start to take off.
I've cut the netting which is going over the top of the wedding dress (hope that's not giving too much away). I' dreading sewing it and keep putting it off!! I'll have to get some tissue to sew it.
Stew did well in his oral French exam getting an A. He said he was going to fail, and to be honest, I thought he wouldn't do well. Ah to have faith in one's children. Here's hoping he'll keep it up.
I have no ink in my printer and no batteries in my camera. Oh woe is me and another birthday approaching. Thrice woe, oh that's only two- another woe to make it three!!!
I'm not really mad.
Listening to a fantastic download called Melody-the cityof st...... can't read any more, but it is great! look out for it.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Hi Sue, dont give up that bag is lovely. We all have different styles and ways of doing things. I only ever sold one on ebay, but I am too impatient. I want to chuck it all in when I see som people work but you just cant think that way. Your blog is a lovely read I shall check back in.